Thursday, February 7, 2013

What it LOVE?!

As I have been thinking about what to write for this prompt. I came up with nothing. I don't know what love it. All I really know is that people think teens don't know love and don't experience it during adolescence. Maybe they are right. But could they be wrong?

How do we know we are in love? How do we even describe love?

In the dictionary, the definition of love is;

An intense feeling of deep affection: "their love for their country."
A profoundly tender, passionate feeling towards a person.

Feel a deep romantic attachment to (someone): "do you love me?"

But how do we know we are feeling love? When we go and talk to a cute guy/girl, we get sweaty palms and forehead, butterflies in our stomach, and our heart starts to race. But we also have sweaty palms, butterflies and increases blood pressure when we are angry or afraid. How do we tell it is love we are feeling and not anger or fear?

If there is one thing I know about love, it is this. Love Never Fails. Sure there are ups and downs but in the end, everything works out. Maybe teens don't know love yet. But we will. Someday.

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